At Plume, we believe technology isn’t about moving faster—it’s about making moments better. More connected. More secure. More harmonious with our lifestyles.
App Store
Google Play Download Button
Works on mobile devices with OS version 15.0 or newer
Google Play
Apple store Download Button
Android mobile devices with Android 7.0 or newer
App Store
Google Play Download Button
Works on mobile devices with iOS 15.0 or higher
Google Play
Apple store Download Button
Works on Android mobile devices with Android 7.0 or higher
Who we serve
For the Home
“I have had Plume for years as I have been a member for 5+ years. Plume was recommended to me by a friend and colleague and I’m so glad I joined the Plume Team. I have recommend Plume to numerous friends, family member and neighbors and will continue to do so. The level of support and service provided is unmatched and the hardware or Pods are amazing. No issues what-so-ever!”
Dana, Brunswick OH, Plume member since July 2018
Dana, Brunswick OH, Plume member since July 2018
For Small Businesses
“Really impressed with the data and network insight that’s available through the app. It’s great being able to track, review, and monitor all of those specifics. As a coffee shop, it gives us an idea of web trends that helps us determine times people are working or meeting face to face, which helps us consider coffee schedules, etc. Great job and great product!”
Ben, Small business owner
Ben, Small business owner
For Property Managers
“We see opportunities for Uprise to help us manage apartment buildings, colleges, and even courthouses. Plume’s Uprise is a game changer, and we’re excited about the many ways we’ll put it to work.”
Heath Wiley, Marketing Director, Gearheart Communications
Heath Wiley, Marketing Director, Gearheart Communications
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Get started
We provide small businesses with connectivity, productivity, and the security tools to help succeed.